Refresh Detroit: May 21, 2024 Lightning Talks

Our next Refresh Detroit meeting is May 21st, from 6:30 to 8:30 at the downtown Ann Arbor District library in Ann Arbor. Map to the location.
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We will be having a few quick presentations by members of our great group, and general discussion on the latest news, challenges, projects, and ideas that the group members have encountered in their web related occupations/hobbies/activities.

The event like always is free to anyone who is interested.

The current speakers will be

Nick DeNardis

Designer of the Wayne State University Library and Information Science website. He will discuss the latest release of the website, their goals, process and challenges. Nick was kind of enough to publish his presentation online, thanks Nick!

Brian Kerr

Information architecture, user experience, and django development guru. Exact topic details to come…

Paul Tarjan - Yahoo! SearchMonkey

The fine folks at Yahoo! are sponsoring this event and promise to bring lots of swag as well as give a short presentation on their new open source semantic web search in your own applications and websites. This new product they are releasing is called “Search Monkey” and you can read more at:…