Demo Night - April 23, 2008

Where: Ann Arbor District Library, 343 South Fifth Avenue, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 (map). Parking is available in the library parking lot. We’re meeting in the conference room on the third floor. At the third floor stairs lobby, go through the double doors, turn right, and look for the first door on the right to enter the conference room.

When: Wednesday, April 23, 2024 6:30PM-8PM

Join us for demo night on April 23, 2024 at the Ann Arbor Public Library, as meeting participants will demo their latest websites, designs, applications, tools, and products. Each person has five minutes to present and answer questions.

Demo night is a great opportunity to share your work, see what others have been working on, and get feedback on works in progress.

Interested in demoing your work? RSVP by commenting below with your name and application/design/tool/product, so we have an idea of how many people will be presenting.

As of April 15, 2008, the following people are planning to present their work:

  • Julie Van De Water
  • Nick DeNardis
  • Vince Chmielewski
  • Kevin Dangoor
  • Noel Jackson
  • John Paul Narowski
  • Brian Kerr
  • Christina Wallace

7 thoughts on “Demo Night - April 23, 2008

  1. I’d like to talk about the interface for SitePen’s Support service (a JavaScript-driven (Dojo toolkit), Python-backed interface) and I may also have something new to share, if my timing works out.


  2. I’d like to show off some work using transparent PNGs, some “garish” design, and some top secret tricks for how I used grids to better align a site (no pun intended).


  3. I would like to demo a web based SEO campaign manager that we are hoping to release later this year.


  4. Olivia mentioned the JSTOR redesign to me when we met at IUE. Glad you can make it to the meeting. I’ll add you to the list Christina.


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