Category: Accessibility

Recap of Usable Usability: Inclusive Design for the Real World: World Usability Day Detroit 2017

On November 9, 2017, we welcomed Elle Waters as our special guest for World Usability Day Detroit.

Over 45 people attended our fourth annual World Usability Day Detroit event, which we hosted with the Michigan User Experience Professionals Association, at Grand Circus in downtown Detroit.

Our thanks to Melanie Myers for taking notes from Elle Waters’ presentation.

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Headings and Landmarks: Why They’re Important for Accessibility

I watched this video yesterday and it reminded me of Caitlin Geier’s presentation at our Global Accessibility Awareness Day, Detroit event earlier this month.

Created by Rob Dodson of the Google Chrome Developers group, the video is one of many short helpful A11ycasts accessibility videos on YouTube.

This seven-minute video shows you how headings and landmarks in your HTML code work using the VoiceOver screen reader.