Site Analytics: Top Takeaways

At our June meetup, Nick DeNardis presented a condensed version of a much longer talk on Google Analytics. Here are a few of the top takeaways from the evening.

Ad Blockers

With the use of ad blockers on the rise, remember that an increasing percentage of your audience simply isn’t showing up in Google Analytics. This trend looks set to continue, as major players push ahead with plans to block ads as a service to their users.

Regular Reminders

If you find yourself forgetting to look at Google Analytics, set it up to email you regular reminders of your most important metrics.

Other Google Tools

Supplement your use of Google Analytics with Google Webmaster Tools and Optimize.

Even More Tools!

Google’s tools are just the tip of the analytics iceberg. Session recording, hotspots, A/B testing and more are available from a range of third-party services. Crowd favorites included Hotjar and FullStory.

Handy Hotspots

Speaking of hotspots, they’re a great way to gain additional insights into how people are interacting with your website. Unlike click-based metrics, they allow you to spot links that aren’t getting clicked on, as well as highlighting attention-grabbing elements of your site that aren’t clickable, but maybe should be.

Stay Tuned…

This isn’t the end of the analytics discussion! Nick plans to present an analytics webinar in the near future, so keep an eye out for details. In the meantime, you’re invited to join us at our summer networking event at Garden Bowl on August 10, 2017.