Articles and websites mentioned at January meeting

As we discussed, and I promised, here’s the list of articles and websites I mentioned during our web accessibility discussion last night:

  • Improving Ajax applications for JAWS users - Juicy Studio, Gez Lemon - a great site for best practices and standards
  • Firefox, the Little Memory Hog - Robert Nyman - the story I told about Firefox, Internet Explorer and how the Macintosh is no longer invited to IE reunions. It’s another great site highlighting best practices and standards. Robert has several JavaScript libraries available.
  • Pure CSS Horizontal Drop Down Menu - TJK Design - Thierry Koblarz - Thierry has several tutorials and articles on his site, and is very active in the CSS discussion list
  • The Web Standards Project - this is the site I mentioned that has it’s skip to content link hidden on screen display; it is only displayed by hovering over the top edge of the viewport
  • - wonderful site highlighting accessible, usable, and yes, stunning (their words!) websites. A team of well-known web professionals provide reviews and guidelines on the accessiblity of websites. Also, a great list of resources for building and improving your web development skills.
  • Functional Accessibility Evaluator - a tool from the University of Illinois that tests individual website pages based on their own list of criteria. Some of their criteria are unusual, and not referenced in other well-known accessibility guidelines.
  • Also, Dean mentioned the ESPN move to a web-standards design and the savings in terabytes. Not sure if this is the article Dean was thinking of, but check out the article about ESPN’s cost savings where Eric Meyer is interviewed by Mike Davidson from Newsvine.

I think I’ve listed all the references - if there’s one you remember, and I forgot, let me know.

One thought on “Articles and websites mentioned at January meeting

  1. Wow Deborah, excellent follow-up to the meeting last night! It was great to have such a variety of people and pool of knowledge in the same room to share ideas.

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