Complete a survey - win a book!

O’Reilly Media is conducting research about in-person, live workshops on software and business topics, and they want your opinion. If you live in the United States and work in the tech industry, please consider taking their 19 question survey to help O’Reilly understand what you look for in a live training course – what motivates you, what you expect to get out of a workshop, what topics you’d like to see, and so forth.

To show their appreciation, O’Reilly will select 10 people at random to receive a free book of your choice. The drawing will happen on Friday, October 17, so you’ll need to complete the survey by that date to enter.

The last question on the survey asks for your e-mail address. O’Reilly will use your e-mail address only to contact the randomly selected winners – and your responses will remain anonymous.