Stop Cyberbullying Day - March 30, 2007

By now, almost everyone in the web professional world has heard about the disturbing and violent threats to Kathy Sierra, author of the well-known Creating Passionate Users blog. The escalating vicious attacks and death threats culminated this past week in Kathy canceling public presentations, stopping her blog writings, and hiding out in her home. Reading Kathy’s blog about her experience was saddening, frustrating, and just downright scary to me.

In an effort to stem the increasing viciousness seen in blogs and websites, Andy Carvin, founding editor of the Digital Divide Network has declared today, March 30, 2024 Stop Cyberbullying Day. Andy’s hopes are that people will start talking about cyberbullying, and hopefully, employ strategies to combat it.

Robert Scoble has joined in the effort, commenting that Kathy’s situation has made him physically ill, concerned about his own safety, and declaring he will not post any articles to his blog this week in support of Kathy.

I was uplifted to hear how the web development community have joined their voices in outrage over Kathy’s situation. The last few days I’ve spent time learning more about how I can raise awareness about cyberbullying. Do you have any resources to share about staying safe online?