Summer vacation: See you in September!

For the past two years, Refresh Detroit leaders noticed our meeting attendance is low in the summer months. So the Refresh Detroit leaders decided to take July and August off so can all enjoy time with family and friends!

See you on Wednesday, September 16, 2023 when Ben Fraser and Michael Evans will be discussing the client/designer relationship at Wayne State University.

4 thoughts on “Summer vacation: See you in September!

  1. OK, thanks for the notice, Deborah. I’ll be in town in mid-July, so Ross and I will be coordinating an informal “Usability Tweetup” in Ann Arbor on the night of Saturday, July 18.


  2. Nancy,

    The September meeting will be at our regular time at 6:30pm. We’ll likely be meeting at the Law School, on the 2nd floor in the Distance Learning Room.

    We’re glad to have Michael and Ben return to talk; they demoed one of their projects at our June 2009 demo night. Cool stuff!


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