February 27, 2024 Meeting: JavaScript Library Techniques, Tips and Tricks

Where: The Ann Arbor Public Library, in downtown Ann Arbor. We will be meeting in the library’s free space, located on the third floor.

When: Wednesday, February 27th 2008, 6:30 - 8:00

Speaker: Brian Reindel, Software Engineer at Niche Retail.


The advent and popularity of JavaScript libraries has caused front-end programming paradigms to change drastically. Design patterns are emerging, object-oriented concepts are common place, and the line between client-side scripting and server-side scripting is beginning to blur.

Brian will be reviewing some of the techniques inherent to these libraries so that you can better understand how to build custom functionality of your own, while taking into account best practices. Some of the sub-topics to be included will be namespacing, anonymous function execution, the dollar sign selector, variable arguments, callback functions and shorthand.

Brian Reindel’s Biography

Brian Reindel is a software engineer, currently employed with Niche Retail, LLC, in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He graduated from Oakland University in 1999 with a BA, Journalism, and has been toying professionally with Web development technologies for almost a decade.

Brian’s language of choice is Java, but he gets dirty on occasion with Ruby on Rails and LAMP as a solution stack. The majority of his career, however, has been spent on the front-end, developing Web pages with XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Although he still dreams of writing full-time in the future, Brian is immersed in the world of software development, and enjoys the challenge of learning new technologies.

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