May Meeting: The Conversion Story - from Clicks to Cash

Join us on Tuesday, May 19, 2024 when Ayat Shukairy and Khalid Saleh of Invesp Consulting, discuss the “Conversion Story - from clicks to cash”.

Times are tough, and every visitor on your site counts. Too often, companies focus on driving more traffic to their website, and not enough time maximizing the visitors already there.

Increasing your conversion rate, even as little as 10%, can bring a significant increase to your sales, downloads, form completions, or whatever task it might be.


Discussion Summary

Two customers come to your site, one buys and the other doesn’t, why? Why aren’t you able to generate more leads from your website? In this session we will present actionable items to consider on your site, through The Conversion Framework, in order to see significant increases in your conversion rates. We will also identify what role personas play in optimization from a lead gen to an ecommerce business via case studies.


Ayat Shukairy is co-founder of Invesp Consulting, a landing page optimization company, and co-author of Landing Page Optimization: The Complete Guide. Ayat Shukairy focuses deeply on website usability and has led over 30 conversion optimization projects for companies including ReMAX, HowStuff Works and Discovery. Ayat Shukairy’s work has helped generate an average 20% improvement in conversion rates for Invesp’s clients.

Khalid Saleh is co-founder of Invesp Consulting, a landing page optimization company and co-author of, Landing Page Optimization: The Complete Guide. Khalid Saleh has over 12 years of experience in e-commerce architecture, design and implementation, managing campaigns for companies including Motorola, AMEX, Levelor, Citrix, WWT, Nabors. Khalid’s work has helped generated an average 20% improvement in conversion rates for Invesp’s clients.

Company Bio

Since 1995, Invesp founders have architected, designed and deployed 22 of the largest e-commerce websites in North America. On average, Invesp generates an average 35% ROI on conversion for its clients on optimization work. A values driven company, Invesp focuses on providing measureable ecommerce results through client focused delivery, openness and creativity.

Where: Wayne State University Law School, 471 W. Palmer Street, Detroit, MI 48202 (directions) Room 2103, The Distance Learning Room. (University map)

When: Tuesday, May 19th, 2009, 6:30pm to 8:30pm

Cost: Free! Open to the public.


5 thoughts on “May Meeting: The Conversion Story - from Clicks to Cash

  1. Pingback: What’s the future in Detroit? | The Invesp Blog: E-commerce and Landing page Optimization

  2. Pingback: Events calendar for Invesp team over the next few weeks | The Invesp Blog: E-commerce and Landing page Optimization

  3. @Joy - looking forward to your bells!
    @Jeff - The Refresh Detroit event is free; parking is available across the street from the Law School, and costs $3.50 for guests. Hope to see you there! Be sure to RSVP at

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